
Our Podcast is on the Move

The Lean to the Left podcast has been ranked by Listen Notes in the top 10% of over 3 million podcasts worldwide. Thanks to our loyal subscribers and followers for your support. 

We are seeing continued growth with more than 259 new subscribers over the last month bringing us to 14,003. Our episodes received more than 14,900 views over the last 28 days, with more than 8,616 minutes watched. Thanks to all who continue to support our podcast.

The Lean to the Left podcast streams on Mondays with special episodes some Thursdays.

Our guests and interviews focus on important social issues, human relations, and important political developments.

If you enjoy our podcast, please visit the podcast tab and subscribe. A comment on Apple podcasts or other platforms would also be much appreciated. 

Happy listening!

Watch for These Shows:

Video: https://youtu.be/MMNFse0fWzs
Video: https://studio.youtube.com/video/THIFOxSaTkA/edit

July 15 -- Michael Moore -- Challenging MAGA in South Carolina -- Now Streaming

July 22 -- JD Mass -- On Healing Racism -- Now Streaming

July 29 -- Dixie Dems -- Looking at Politics Today

Aug. 1 -- William R. Douglas -- Civil War 2.0

Aug. 5 -- Dan Luzadder -- Manipulation of American Media

Aug. 12 -- Marcus Higgs -- Strategies for Pre-teen Parents

Aug. 15 -- Charles Epstein -- Who Controls the Democratic Party?

Aug. 19 -- Richard Pellegrino -- How Woke Am I?

Aug. 26  -- Dr. Robin Bernstein -- Racial Capitalism in the U.S.

Sep. 2 -- Kristen Monroe -- Why the GOP Has Not Stood Up to Trump

Sep. 9 -- Dr. Alice Feller -- Fighting for Patients in a Broken Mental Health System

Sep. 16 - Randy French -- Ins & Outs of Solar


Friday, March 13, 2020 Are You Listening Now?

As each day passes, the news about the coronavirus continues to get worse. Today, President Trump declared a state of emergency, which will free up ad...

Friday, March 13, 2020 Reassurance from Trump? Not

We are all reeling from the coronavirus, afraid to go to the grocery store and when we get there, discover that they’re out of sanitary wipes and toil...

Wednesday, March 11, 2020 Better Economic News, but Beware

Welcome to the NFN Radio News Podcast, brought to you by Not Fake News.biz. I’m your host, Bob Gatty, founder and editor of Not Fake News. So, the sto...

Tuesday, March 10, 2020 Market Craters & Trump Fumes 'Fake News"

Today we are experiencing some of the shock waves caused by the corona virus and the Trump administration’s late – and weak – response, which has been...

Sunday, March 8, 2020 Pass the Violence Against Women Act

Today is International Women’s Day and we’re calling on Congress to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act and for Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mc...

Sunday, March 8, 2020 New Call-in Show: Ask Dr. Donald

Today we’re going to talk about Donald Trump’s new call-in show on Faux News, “Ask Dr. Donald.” The president says he may have a natural ability to ab...

Saturday, March 7, 2020 No Toady to Trump

Today we’re talking about a guy in South Carolina…a Democrat…who is taking on Donald Trump’s favorite lapdog, Sen. Lindsey Graham, and has a great sho...

Thursday, March 5, 2020 Idiot in the White House; Coronavirus Tips from Experts (Not Trump)

Today we’re talking about the Coronavirus, how President Trump is downplaying the seriousness of it, even suggesting on Fox News that people who have ...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020 Satire: Fox News to Buy Sexy Vixen Vinyl Website

Apparently based on recommendations from right wing commentator Brit Hume, Fox News reportedly is in negotiation to purchase the porn website, #SexyVi...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020 Trump and the Judges

Not Fake News writer Chris Waldron  says Donald Trump…having tamed the legislative branch of the government to his liking…is now turning to the judici...

Monday, March 2, 2020 Sick of Lindsey Graham?

Today, I’m wondering if you’re as sick of Senator Lindsey Graham as I am. The way he kowtows to President Trump, how he defends him no matter what…and...

Sunday, March 1, 2020 Pandemic Politics

As we all know, the corona virus is now spreading the U.S. and is causing untold havoc…not only by sickening … even killing people…but having a severe...

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