
Our Podcast is on the Move

The Lean to the Left podcast has been ranked by Listen Notes in the top 10% of over 3 million podcasts worldwide. Thanks to our loyal subscribers and followers for your support. 

We are seeing continued growth with more than 259 new subscribers over the last month bringing us to 14,003. Our episodes received more than 14,900 views over the last 28 days, with more than 8,616 minutes watched. Thanks to all who continue to support our podcast.

The Lean to the Left podcast streams on Mondays with special episodes some Thursdays.

Our guests and interviews focus on important social issues, human relations, and important political developments.

If you enjoy our podcast, please visit the podcast tab and subscribe. A comment on Apple podcasts or other platforms would also be much appreciated. 

Happy listening!

Watch for These Shows:

Video: https://youtu.be/MMNFse0fWzs
Video: https://studio.youtube.com/video/THIFOxSaTkA/edit

July 15 -- Michael Moore -- Challenging MAGA in South Carolina -- Now Streaming

July 22 -- JD Mass -- On Healing Racism -- Now Streaming

July 29 -- Dixie Dems -- Looking at Politics Today

Aug. 1 -- William R. Douglas -- Civil War 2.0

Aug. 5 -- Dan Luzadder -- Manipulation of American Media

Aug. 12 -- Marcus Higgs -- Strategies for Pre-teen Parents

Aug. 15 -- Charles Epstein -- Who Controls the Democratic Party?

Aug. 19 -- Richard Pellegrino -- How Woke Am I?

Aug. 26  -- Dr. Robin Bernstein -- Racial Capitalism in the U.S.

Sep. 2 -- Kristen Monroe -- Why the GOP Has Not Stood Up to Trump

Sep. 9 -- Dr. Alice Feller -- Fighting for Patients in a Broken Mental Health System

Sep. 16 - Randy French -- Ins & Outs of Solar


Friday, April 24, 2020 #CloroxDon is Risking People's Lives

President Donald Trump continues to astound me. Either he is stupid beyond belief, or he is sly as a fox and is simply using his seemingly numbskull c...

Friday, April 24, 2020 Cruel, Idiotic Leaders as Death Toll Nears 50,000

I could hardly believe it when I read that Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump’s pal who runs the United States Senate, said that instead of the federal gov...

Thursday, April 23, 2020 Will Trump Use Coronavirus to Steal the Election?

Democrats in Congress are pushing for people to be able to vote by mail this coming November because of the coronavirus, a move that could be especial...

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 Are Nursing Homes Coronavirus Death Traps?

Do you have a friend or relative living in a nursing home? Are you worried about their safety…about their risk of contracting the coronavirus? If you’...

Tuesday, April 21, 2020 Trump: What's in a Name? & Oil, Oil Everywhere

In a terrific entry on Not Fake News.biz, writer Chris Waldron talks about the many names by which Donald Trump has been…and still is…known. Some are ...

Sunday, April 19, 2020 Trump: Stoking Unrest to Save His Own Skin

Last week, the Trump administration announced a new plan to gradually open up the nation, reacting to pressure on the economy with a phased approach t...

Friday, April 17, 2020 Coronavirus: The Wizardry of Drs. Oz and Phil

With President Trump pressing to open up the nation’s economy and begin lifting stay-at-home orders so people can go back to work and to school, many ...

Thursday, April 16, 2020 Coronavirus: Murder on a Global Scale

Susan Hutchinson, a terrific writer on Not Fake News.biz, says President Trump’s decision to withhold U.S. funds from the World Health Organization am...

Wednesday, April 15, 2020 Coronavirus: Chinese 4-Year-Old Experiences Today's America

President Trump has decided to withhold U.S. financial support to the World Health Organization even as the coronavirus pandemic continues to claim li...

Tuesday, April 14, 2020 Thank You Coronavirus Frontline Workers

A heartfelt thank you to all of those frontline workers who are helping to keep us safe as we cope with the impact of the coronavirus. From healthcare...

Monday, April 13, 2020 Coronavirus: Trump's Big Bang Theory

So President Trump is announcing a new Opening Our Country Council, presumably to plan for his Big Bang grand opening that he wants by May 1, most lik...

Saturday, April 11, 2020 Coronavirus: The Carnival Barker & Those Who Save Lives

Welcome to the NFN Radio News Podcast, brought to you by Not Fake News.biz. I’m your host, Bob Gatty, founder and editor of Not Fake News.It’s been a ...

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