America has gone through what really must be described as a horrible, tragic week. The coronavirus continues to claim victims, with the death toll exceeding 100,000 with no signs of slowing down. A black man in Minneapolis, George Floyd, was brutally murdered by a police officer, despite his pleas as the cop continued to press his knee against the unarmed suspect’s neck. And, predictably, riots erupted in that city and spread to many others across the nation.And Donald Trump got into a pissing match with Twitter because that social media platform finally called him out for his distortions and falsehoods. Then Trump set the entire forces of the government against social media companies, threatening free speech in America.Not Fake News writer Chris Waldron puts this all in perspective in “Numb, but Ready to Fight,” and then follows that’s up with “Anarchists and the Mob”, commentary about the violence caused by the Floyd murder.Take a listen…

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