Hi…I’m Bob Gatty, host of the Lean to the Left podcast, where we focus on progressive politics and the important social issues of our times. Big news today with President Biden withdrawing as the Democratic presidential candidate and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris to take on Donald Trump. It was obviously a difficult decision for Joe Biden to make, but under the circumstances, it was the right one. There is no way this country can weather another four years of Trump, and there are too many questions about the ravages of age and health surrounding Biden. Now we can move forward and work as hard as possible to elect Harris and defeat Trump. He simply cannot be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office – not even out on the sidewalk! Soon after his announcement, Democratic senators and congressmen began expressing support of Biden’s decision, and I suspect that will continue. California governor Gavin Newsom, considered a possible replacement for Biden, was effusive in his support. Said Newsom, "President Biden has been an extraordinary, history-making president — a leader who has fought hard for working people and delivered astonishing results for all Americans. He will go down in history as one of the most impactful and selfless presidents." I agree with Newsom, and I’m happy that Biden endorsed Harris to succeed him, and I think that reflects the views of many Democrats. How about you? What do you think? Did Biden make the right choice in stepping aside? Is Harris the right person to take his place? If not her, who would you rather see as the nominee? Do you think Republicans will be sorry in pushing him to get out? Will Trump will chicken out of a debate with Harris? I believe, female voters especially will be excited – especially those who are concerned about Republican plans to wipe out abortions nationally and interfere with the private acts that take place in the bedroom. Who would think that in 2024 there would be serious discussions about restricting contraception! What do you think about that? Joe Biden has worked his tail off as President and has made remarkable progress in the face of vicious opposition from Republicans and Donald Trump. His legacy will be one of achievement and success, of selfless determination to make America better for everyone, not just the top one percent, as is the case with Trump. With Trump, it’s all about himself. With Biden, it’s about America.

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