Source: Today is January 6, 2022 and just one year ago, an angry, violent mob inspired by Donald Trump attacked the seat of our democracy, the United States Capitol in Washington, DC. There’s a lot to talk about, so stay tuned.” --- Waving Trump and Confederate flags, the mob called for Vice President Pence to be hung from the makeshift gallows they had constructed on the Capitol grounds. They broke into the Capitol, smashing windows, and in the end, one protestor and several police officers had lost their lives. Members of the House and Senate scurried to find shelter as members of the mob streamed into the House and Senate chambers, rifling through lawmakers’ desks, and searching for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Their goal was to stop the certification of President Biden’s election, to overturn the election of the leader who had been chosen by the majority of voters in a free and fair election. Today, President Biden called out Trump for standing by and doing nothing to stop the riot and the destruction. But there is much more to the story. Three blogs today by Chris Waldron and Mark M. Bello of Not Fake take a look at these events and offer their thoughts about what should happen in the coming months as the January 6th Committee, launched by House Democrats, completes its work and as the Justice Department considers its action. First, I’ll present Waldron’s piece today after Biden’s speech, entitled “Sleepy Joe is Pissed!”, then will come his recounting of what prompted the insurrection and its aftermath in “The Insurrection, One Year Later,” and finally, will come Bello’s commentary, “Time to Hold Trump Accountable.” Take a listen...

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