To learn more about overcoming racism and how can we overcome racism, please feel free to visit our YouTube channel. How can we overcome racism is covered in this video, along with the following subjects: - Anti-racism strategies - Breaking racial barriers - Why overcoming racism is essential for humanity's survival? ************************* We’re living in a time when a former president refuses to acknowledge his re-election defeat, falsely claiming that thousands of votes were cast illegally. In the aftermath of that, many states – mostly led by Republicans – are making it harder for people of color to vote on the assumption that they would vote in favor of the Democrats. Even the courts are getting in on the act. Justice Counts podcast host Mark Bello and I are delighted to welcome author, lawyer Fatimah Gilliam to discuss all of that. Fatimah Gilliam, Esq. is an author, lawyer, consultant, public speaker, and entrepreneur whose career combines expertise in the law, diversity, human capital, leadership, stakeholder engagement and negotiations. She holds a law degree from Columbia Law School, a master’s in public policy from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and an undergraduate degree from Wellesley College. Gilliam is the founder and CEO of The Azara Group, which provides diversity and inclusion, leadership development, negotiation and strategy consulting services to Fortune 500 corporations, senior executives of billion-dollar businesses and industry thought leaders. She is the author of a new book, “Race Rules: What Your Black Friend Won’t Tell You.” ************************* Explore our other video content here on YouTube, where you'll find more insights into how can we overcome racism and relevant social media links. Website: {} Youtube: {} Facebook: {} Twitter : { Leantotheleft1} Instagram : {} Tik Tok: { Regarding How can we overcome racism and overcoming racism, have I addressed your curiosity? Please feel free to leave a comment below, and let me know if there's anything else I can do to assist you with anti-racism strategies, breaking racial barriers, why overcoming racism is essential for humanity's survival and how can we overcome racism.

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