Source: Sheri Few, firebrand leader against teaching the implications of racial history and comprehensive sex education in school, says teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) "is from the pit of Hell and is meant to destroy lives." Founder and president of US Parents Involved in Education, Few ran unsuccessfully for office three times in South Carolina, and now is doing a media blitz claiming that discussions of CRT-related issues is rooted in Marxism and part of a Communist plot, supported by liberals, to "collapse our form of government and change it into a Marxist air even Communist form of government." Co-hosting the episode is children’s author and Lean to the Left contributing writer Dr. Pamela Gurley, who challenges Few on her goal to "Make America America Again", a slogan she used in her unsuccessful bid for the Republican nomination for Congress. “The last president brought out what America really looked like.” “You are trying to go back to a time that benefited you, a White woman, that did not benefit someone like me, a Black woman,” says Dr. Gurley. SHOW NOTES 2:06 Critical Race Theory, distortion of history and what it means when it comes to education. FEW -- “I oppose critical race theory that, in its roots, is Marxist. So critical theory came out of the Marxist Frankfurt School in Germany many decades ago. There’s several critical theories, not just critical race theory. There’s Critical Queer Theory, Critical, Critical Gender Theory, Critical Feminist Theory…the intent was to criticize the society and culture by identifying all these different groups.” 3:08 Cultural Marxism FEW -- “They identified different groups of people, put them against one another in order to cause division. The end goal would be to collapse our form of government and change it into a Marxist or even Communist form of government.” 5:18 – Plot to turn American government into Communist government? FEW -- “Absolutely. We’ve seen an entire generation steeped in socialism.” “If we don’t wake up and stop the indoctrination of children and get back to teaching core academics…children are failing academically and it gets worse and worse every year, and in the meantime, what do they want to do? They want to teach social emotional learning, critical race theory. All of these are things that really have no business in the classroom.” 6:26 – Get rid of Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare? FEW -- “Yes, I’m sorry, I believe that. I believe that it started with the War on Poverty and LBJ and we’ve just progressed more and more until we get to the point where it’s all universal medicine.” Says Social Security falls into the same category. 8:40 –Race in Florida Math Books FEW --“We should not be indoctrinating children with math problems because people disagree on that topic…if it’s a controversial issue, it shouldn’t be in a math problem.” 11:11 – Teaching patriotism FEW -- “Children are not even taught to love their country any more. We’re the only country in the world that doesn’t teach their children to be patriotic. Instead our children are taught that we are oppressors, and that we have stolen from the Indians and all of this nonsense.” 11:47 – New Documentary Film FEW -- “It’s called “Truth and Lies in American Education.” Website: https://Truthandliesfilm.US . This is an important expose.” 13:35 – Oppressing American Indians FEW -- “There were some bad situations like the Trail of Tears, but it wasn’t all bad. We came and our goal was to evangelize when we came to this country... So, we were able to help Indians in a lot of ways.” 14:48 – The Sexualization of Children FEW -- “It has been in the classroom for decades, but it’s just getting worse and worse.” Discusses parents’ lawsuit in Ludlow County, MA, accusing teachers of trying to groom children into thinking of themselves as transgender. 21:40 – Abstinence Until Marriage FEW – “I have written four, maybe five, abstinence-until-marriage curricula. Since it (sex ed) is in the schools, I think it’s a better approach than teaching children how to put condoms on bananas and that kind of stuff that was happening 20 years ago. Now it’s far worse than that.” 25:21 – Parental Responsibility FEW – Good parents and grandparents don’t prop their kids up in front of the television and let them watch all these ridiculous shows that are against their values.” 26:26 – Parental Options FEW – “Every parent should be made aware before those classes are taught and have the opportunity to review the curriculum, and, if they object to the content, they ought to have the opportunity to opt their child out.” 29:08

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