Today we’re going to take on a topic that some might consider a little bit daring. We’re going to have a talk with a guy named Jack Kammer, who calls himself “The Counter-Feminist Social Worker.”

Jack’s an author and podcaster, among other things, and from the looks of it, he’s all about defending the rights of men and boys against various forms of discrimination.

What? You might be saying about now – men being discriminated against in favor of women? It’s really the other way around, buddy.

Nevertheless, Jack has made a career of defending men and men’s rights, so I thought it would be interesting to hear what he has to say and figure out where he’s coming from.

During the show, Jack answers questions like this:

1.What is a counter-feminist, anyway?

2.In this era of the #MeToo movement, isn’t this idea that men are the victims a little bit wacky?

3.And what about the disparity in income levels, with women earning just 82 percent of what men typically earn for doing the same job?

4.You say there is a “double-whammy of racism and sexism operating against Black men.” What’s that all about?

5.Isn’t your view just a touch misogynistic?

6.Are you saying women are sexist?

7.You talk about female supremacy and its power structure…what’s that about?

8.Isn’t this a lot like talking about “White people’s race issues”?

9.What’s the Lace Curtain? How did it impact your book Good Will Toward Men?”

10.What got you started on this crusade, anyway?

11.What kind of a relationship do you have personally with women? Are you married?

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