I’ve got another two-for for you…two more great blogs by Chris Waldron of Not Fake News.biz.First, in “Donny Can’t Read,” Chris talks about the dangers of Donald Trump ignoring the intelligence reports regularly prepared for him by the heads of our intelligence agencies.I gotta ask you…how intelligent is that? What kind of president would ignore those reports – especially when they reveal that an enemy country has offered bounties to terrorists who kill America’s service men and women?Then, in “The Most Racist Man in America,” Chris lambastes Trump for his constant racist remarks that he apparently cannot resist making – regardless of how hurtful or divisive they are. The man is desperate. He sees he’s going down the tubes and must figure the only way to hang on is to whip up racism in America – at a time when our country is seriously trying to come to terms with that, finally. So here goes…

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