Since his election, President Trump has had an obsession of trying to wipe out as many initiatives of President Barack Obama as he can. It’s an effort that just seems never to stop.His latest…and once again, harmful, step to do this came last week when his administration announced that it would overturn an Obama-era rule that provides nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people in health care and health insurance.Why would he do that? First, it is obvious that Trump – and the people he has appointed to run things in his administration – hold on to the narrow-minded view of sexuality espoused by the religious right. No room for anyone who is not straight, who wants to marry someone of the same sex, who, heaven forbid, is transgender.So, they’ve used the power of the federal government, once again, to impose their own views, their own morality, on their fellow citizens. We take a look at all of this in today’s podcast. Take a listen to “Disrespecting ‘the Dignity of Every Human Being’” from Not Fake

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