Show Notes

In this episode, the hosts discuss the denigration of Vice President Kamala Harris and other people of color in positions of power as 'DEI hires,' with guest Patrick Jones, a diversity and inclusion expert. They explore the historical and systemic issues of anti-blackness, sexism, and the undervaluing of women in society. The conversation critiques Donald Trump's inflammatory rhetoric and policies, touching on the broader implications for human rights and social equity if such ideologies were to gain more political power. Other topics include the hypocrisy surrounding immigration, reproductive rights, and the LGBTQ+ community, with insights into Mr. Jones' advocacy work and progressive vision for a unified and inclusive America.

00:00 Introduction: DEI and Kamala Harris

00:45 Guest Introduction: Patrick Jones

01:25 Discussion on Kamala Harris and DEI

01:48 Intersectionality and Anti-Blackness

03:25 Trump's Attacks on Kamala Harris

04:49 Republican Criticism of Women and Minorities

05:22 Domestic Violence and JD Vance

06:09 Felons Running for President

08:44 LGBTQ+ Rights and Republican Opposition

10:49 Homophobia and Education in America

13:23 Trump's Appeal to Rural America

21:45 Immigration Policies and Economic Impact

25:32 Potential Consequences of a Trump Victory

28:16 Patrick Jones' Clothing Line and Community Work

30:26 Final Thoughts on Intersectionality and Unity


Show Transcript

Patrick Jones on DEI, Racism & Political Division

[00:00:00] Bob Gatty: Recently we've heard the Republicans, including Donald Trump, denigrate some people of color in positions of power, including Vice President Kamala Harris, as being DEI hires. DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and that refers to practices and policies intended to support people from varying backgrounds and give them the resources they need to thrive in the workplace.

[00:00:27] Ladies and gentlemen, D. E. I. is good, but to say that Harris is in her position solely because of her race is insulting both to her and to President Biden, who selected her as his running mate four years ago and as his potential successor. Joining us on the podcast today is Patrick Jones, a. k. a. Mr.

[00:00:49] Jones X, a prominent diversity and inclusion expert. activist and political commentator dedicated to equality and human rights advocacy. As a leading TikTok influencer, he engages a global audience with content that champions the underprivileged and marginalized. So Mr. Jones, thanks so much for being with us today on our podcast, where we focus on progressive politics and the key social issues of our times.

[00:01:21] Patrick Jones: Thank you for having me. I appreciate it.

[00:01:24] Bob Gatty: My pleasure. Now, Can you give me some, let's talk first about Kamala Harris and the fact that Biden stepped aside and cleared the way for her and and now the Republicans are doing everything they can to denigrate her and knock her down.

[00:01:43] And to call her a DEI hire. So what are your thoughts about all of that? 

[00:01:48] Patrick Jones: If we have to look back to the history of this country, we can look at, the anti blackness that is pervasive and always has been like a cancerous underbelly of this society. I think that it's like the original sin that we never addressed and people would rather just not talk about it and hope the fire puts itself out, which obviously is not, a valid approach.

[00:02:09] If you had a, an issue in a relationship with your significant other spouse, not talking about that problem is certainly not going to solve the issue. It would just continue to fester and eventually boil over. And I think we've seen the boiling over at a couple of different points in American history.

[00:02:27] But I think now the time has come where it's just been far too much for far too long. And we're seeing a lot of America, especially the younger demographic saying, you know what, enough is enough. Nobody else did anything about this. We're going to but to label her, as you said, a DEI hire, I think is absurd.

[00:02:47] They tried the same thing with Katonji Brown Jackson. 

[00:02:50] Bob Gatty: Yeah, for sure. They did. 

[00:02:52] Patrick Jones: Yeah. But I think one of the major issues that we have Is not just the anti blackness, but it's the fact that we don't really respect women in this country. And so when we look with those two, we look at that intersection, right?

[00:03:04] That one, she's a woman of color, but two, that she's, that she is a woman both herself and Kitanji, right? That's where we see all of the hate and the vitriol and the, admonishing of the things that she says, them, talking about her laugh and the way that she talks and so on and so forth.

[00:03:23] Bob Gatty: Her laugh. At a recent rally, Trump called Harris crazy, stupid, and a lunatic. And he said that she's not smart. She is not intelligent. He repeatedly derided her laugh, including saying that it's career threatening and that it's a laugh of a person with some big problems. So expand on what you think about that statement.

[00:03:53] Patrick Jones: Women again, because this country really doesn't value women aren't really allowed to experience or show joy. Like on the one hand they say we want you to smile more, but on the other hand you can't be too excited. You can't be too big. You can't be too small. And it's a constant issue that women face within our society.

[00:04:10] But aside from that, this idea that a woman. Especially a woman of color could be doing so well against the white, cisgender, heterosexual, real man, as he would like to believe himself to be right. In his mind, he could not possibly make sense of it. And so it's that amygdala response, right?

[00:04:31] It's that fight, flight, freeze or fall in response that he's, that he's experiencing. He's just no, this can't, the America can't Like this person, they can't want this person to be their leader over me. 

[00:04:45] Bob Gatty: The thing is that picking between him and JD Vance. They seem to be going after every Demographic and knocking them down.

[00:04:54] I don't know why they're doing that. Trump going after women of color Vance going after single moms that like cats And 

[00:05:09] what's this about post menopausal women I saw some headline I that Vance was talking about post menopausal women. Do you know what, did you see that?

[00:05:20] Patrick Jones: I did not see that headline. But this is the same guy that told an audience that, hey, I think that if, even if the relationship comes, becomes violent. 

[00:05:30] That you should stay and work it out. For the benefit of the children. Yeah. Have you ever talked to any children who grew up in a household that experienced domestic violence and what it's done to their mental wellbeing?

[00:05:41] Bob Gatty: You asking me, have I? 

[00:05:43] Patrick Jones: No. And I'm saying not you personally, colloquially. So like for him to make a statement such as that, a statement of that nature that you should stay, that they should stay together for the sake of the kids. When studies. A vast array of studies have shown that children that grow up in homes that experience domestic violence go on to either be a party to domestic violence themselves or be the abusers.

[00:06:09] Bob Gatty: Now, Trump has also said, and this cracked me up, that felons shouldn't be able to run for president. Do you agree with that statement? 

[00:06:21] Patrick Jones: So you're probably going to be shocked by my answer. But no, I don't agree with that statement really quickly. J. D. Vance says that post menopausal females exist to raise grandchildren.

[00:06:32] That's nuts. That's nuts. But no, I don't think I, I don't believe, you know what I'm saying? Essentially in like carceral punishments, so to speak. I think that there's a lot of people that are felons through crimes of necessity and not necessarily crimes of opportunity. Okay.

[00:06:51] Now with that being said, , I think that if you're committing crimes of opportunity, if you're just taking advantage of other people or taking advantage of the system, as the, in the manner that he did with these 34 felonies and all of the other. fraudulent acts and acts of physical violence against women.

[00:07:12] In that respect, yeah, I agree. I agree that people that do certain things should not be able to run for president. It should be disqualified. But if somebody was out there and, when they were young, they, stole X amount of products so that they could sell them, so they could provide food for their family to eat, And it was a crime of necessity.

[00:07:33] I can't see myself being on the side of this person doesn't deserve to be president of the United States because they did whatever it is that they had to do in order to survive.

[00:07:42] Bob Gatty: Yeah. Okay. I get that. I thought it was, I thought it was a little bit of a conflict. I do agree that 

[00:07:52] Patrick Jones: it is very hypocritical.

[00:07:54] Yeah. But from the standpoint of wanting, us to. A man, so to speak, our criminal justice system but address the things that cause crime in the first place, yeah. Look how many men are, and women are sitting in jail for marijuana possession to this day. When in many states it's legal and in even some of those states where it's legal, there's people in jail for possession and then there's other people that are free selling it legally now.

[00:08:23] Bob Gatty: Yeah, that's just nuts That makes no sense at all zero. 

[00:08:27] Patrick Jones: So if somebody was one of those people who sold marijuana and got a felony were to run for president why shouldn't they be able to run, especially like now that we've legalized it and things of that nature? 

[00:08:38] Bob Gatty: For sure. Okay, I gotcha.

[00:08:41] Okay, so I wanted to ask you about this. What are your thoughts about the Republicans efforts to denigrate, belittle, and take away rights from the LGBTQ plus community, including ending same sex marriage?

[00:08:57] Patrick Jones: It's interesting to me that they believe that this is somehow a new phenomenon, that members of the queer community somehow just appeared. Out of thin air, as if, yeah just all of a sudden, now there's trans people. All of a sudden, you know what I'm saying, now everybody is is gay.

[00:09:18] They really believe that 10 years ago. It just started happening, right? Trans people non binary people, gay people, lesbians you, you name it, have existed for as long as societies have existed for as long as, homo sapien has been a thing.

[00:09:39] We've had people who didn't necessarily fit a gender binary. Or, or have a who were necessarily heterosexual. Not even other groups, other species within the animal kingdom are heterosexual. There's tons of other gay animals. Tons of them.

[00:09:57] And then the other thing that I always questioned, I've read the Bible. In its entirety, multiple times, Jesus himself, not a single time speaks in the Bible poorly or outwardly about the LGBTQIA plus community. And so I just think that it's odd. They say they want limited government, 

[00:10:18] Bob Gatty: right?

[00:10:19] Patrick Jones: Then we look in their 600, pieces of legislation across the United States looking to prevent them from getting medical care or even existing. What part of the limited government is that? 

[00:10:31] Bob Gatty: Yeah, exactly. 

[00:10:32] Patrick Jones: And nobody can convince a child or anybody else to be gay or to be trans. I promise you, there's not an amount of money or smooth talker on this planet that convinced me to be attracted to men.

[00:10:44] Okay. You know what I mean? You couldn't convince me. 

[00:10:48] Bob Gatty: Okay. 

[00:10:49] Patrick Jones: And the other part of this that I find immensely odd, there's been studies done that say that people that are the most homophobic or transphobic are also the people that find themselves the most attracted to the other sex or to trans individuals.

[00:11:02] Then we host the RNC. And the RNC shuts down Grindr. Yeah. Which is a well-known pickup app for the queer community. Okay. I said that's very interesting. 

[00:11:13] Bob Gatty: Yeah, it is. Hey, you know what? I saw a clip of you interviewing people, asking them if they had ever met a homosapien, a homo sapien, and it was fricking hysterical.

[00:11:26] Why did you do that? And also, hey, do you mind if I show a clip of that as part of this thing? 

[00:11:33] Patrick Jones: Not at all. Okay. Not at all. 

[00:11:36] Bob Gatty: Not at all. Tell me about why you did it and what you learned from it. 

[00:11:41] Patrick Jones: So I was doing that to address like how uneducated the American populace is. Okay. Like I was just doing it to just show that, you know what I'm saying?

[00:11:52] Don't even understand, basic words. Like we don't even understand that we are in fact, homo sapiens. And so that's one of the very first videos that I had that went super viral, but I ended up losing that account. But I still had the video saved in my phone, so I reposted it. But yeah that video, so many people, so many other people stitched and duetted it and, and reposted it, it was nuts.

[00:12:15] But I just wanted to highlight, like, how ridiculous our education system is. It 

[00:12:20] Bob Gatty: was just funny as, it was funny as hell. Oh man, it reminded me of some of the videos that you see where MAGA people are interviewed and they're asked, why do they like, why do they like Trump?

[00:12:34] And they don't know, really I was I was watching the the rally in Butler when he was, quote, shot. And a lady that was right in the very front of the audience said that she loved coming to Trump rallies because it made her feel good. And she asked the reporter, how does it make you feel?

[00:12:59] And the reporter was a young woman and she looked at her and with this look of disdain and said you need to answer the question. That's not for me to answer. Yeah and she just went on and on about how great it made her feel. I do not understand for one second how that could make you feel good listening to that creature.

[00:13:23] Patrick Jones: I can explain. 

[00:13:24] Bob Gatty: Explain. Go ahead. 

[00:13:25] Patrick Jones: This is a thing that I don't think a lot of people really grasp and it's not intentional, right? But it's because they don't have the information. But when you arbitrarily place a certain ethnic or racial group at the top of a social hierarchy, right? Then they believe they're entitled.

[00:13:45] To certain things, to be treated a certain way, to to have a certain access to resources. And so when they end up not being successful, not hitting the lottery, not being Donald Trump not coming from wealth, so on and so forth, they still believe that they're entitled to it.

[00:14:05] And that they should be treated the same way that he is treated, right? And when they're not. Now you have to find out, now you have to find out why, you have to identify why am I not getting this? Oh it's the immigrants. Black people. 

[00:14:20] Bob Gatty: Yeah, 

[00:14:20] Patrick Jones: it's the LGBTQIA plus community, right? These are, this is the reason why I'm not, getting the things that I believe that I deserve.

[00:14:29] These people are preventing me from having, what I am entitled to. And they also believe that if they're one lottery ticket away. To being able to hang out with him at Mar a Lago. And It just 

[00:14:43] Bob Gatty: goes how stupid they are because he doesn't give a crap about them. Not at all.

[00:14:48] Patrick Jones: And so if he speaks their language, he speaks their language because he's pointing at all these communities and telling them that it's the, that they're the problem. 

[00:14:57] Bob Gatty: Yeah, that's right. Exactly. 

[00:14:58] Patrick Jones: That's why it makes them feel good because it makes them feel like they aren't, you know what I'm saying?

[00:15:03] Just like the rest of these people, the other makes them feel good. 

[00:15:09] Bob Gatty: All of that is contributing to all the hate and division that we're experiencing these days, right? 

[00:15:15] Patrick Jones: Absolutely. 

[00:15:16] Bob Gatty: Yeah, 

[00:15:17] Patrick Jones: absolutely. 

[00:15:18] Bob Gatty: Now, Trump's mantra is make America great again. And when he says that, what does that mean to you when you hear it?

[00:15:26] Patrick Jones: The first question I always ask, and I'm sure you've heard this before, is when was America great for all Americans? 

[00:15:30] Bob Gatty: Yeah, 

[00:15:31] Patrick Jones: when was it great for all Americans? When was it great for indigenous people? 

[00:15:35] When was it great for black people? 

[00:15:37] When was it great for the Latin community? It wasn't always necessarily great for Asian groups, right?

[00:15:43] Even people that are considered white in the United States now. Irish, Italian, people from the Swanna region, or what we would call the Middle East, all of those people have been ostracized, demonized, denigrated throughout American history. So at what, like, where are we pointing at it within American, America's history?

[00:16:03] And in romanticizing it, like that was the time. And I think with that message that's make America great again, messages just goes back to the previous conversation that we were just having in terms of a society where we make sure that it is understood that cisgender heterosexual Christian white men and women are at the top of society and everybody else are the others. 

[00:16:27] Bob Gatty: Yeah, I just don't understand. This is back to the point you made a minute ago, I just do not understand how it is. I live in South Carolina and in, in the rural areas, not, I live in Myrtle Beach, a tourist area, but in, if you go out into the countryside, you see all these broken down trailers people with rusty old pickup trucks and great big old trump flags in the front yard, and plastered all over their trucks. 

[00:16:56] Patrick Jones: One lottery ticket away. 

[00:16:58] Bob Gatty: Yeah, that's it. I just don't understand how it is. Because this guy, he doesn't want, he doesn't want help for kids. He doesn't want childcare support. He doesn't want, he denigrates people with education.

[00:17:15] It's just a frickin incredible to me. I do not understand how it is that those people could be supporting this guy. And it's, they're just believing the lies that he spins all the time. 

[00:17:30] Patrick Jones: It's cognitive dissonance, but it's also because he's telling them, Hey, that the reason that you're not successful is because immigrants are coming over here and they're getting all the things that you're entitled to.

[00:17:40] Bob Gatty: Yeah. I wanted to talk to you. 

[00:17:42] Patrick Jones: They're getting the job you're entitled to. They're getting the handouts that you're entitled to. We have to spend the money on them. We can't spend it on you. I think it was Lyndon B. Johnson specifically who said, and I'm sorry if I miss quoting. But give them something to look down on and, they'll literally reach into your pockets and hand you their money.

[00:18:03] I'd love to get the actual quote. Yes, it was Lyndon B. Johnson. And this is the, one of the greatest quotes. Literally ever in terms, as far as I'm concerned, if you can convince the lowest white man that he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

[00:18:25] Bob Gatty: Sounds like Trump took that to heart. 

[00:18:29] Patrick Jones: Absolutely. If you can just make everybody believe that, it's, It's not conservative policies doing this to you that it's not, corporations doing this to you, his billionaire buddies. That it's brown people or that it's, queer people doing this to you, then, they'll buy all your t shirts and your hats and your gold shoes and your flag and your bumper sticker and your keychain and your bottle head and your NFT.

[00:18:51] Bob Gatty: Yeah, did you buy any of those items? 

[00:18:54] Patrick Jones: Oh, no way. There's no way. I've never actually bought a campaign. Campaign paraphernalia for anybody ever.

[00:19:02] Bob Gatty: I thought that all black people like high top sneakers. And so high top sneakers with big Trump's logo on them. You guys would want that, right?

[00:19:12] Patrick Jones: Listen, that had to at least got him 20 percent of the black vote. At least, right? Because that's what they're touting. That they'll get 20 percent of the black vote. That's right. I'm like, you guys gotta be, like, you haven't increased it. Your voter base at all over the last three, three elections. 

[00:19:28] Bob Gatty: Yeah.

[00:19:29] Yeah. So what do you think about his claims that he's done more for the black people than any president in history, even more than Abraham Lincoln? 

[00:19:40] Patrick Jones: Huh. It's interesting. It's interesting that he believes that Abraham Lincoln did a whole lot for the black people. 

[00:19:45] Bob Gatty: He doesn't know anything about history anyway.

[00:19:48] Patrick Jones: That, because historically speaking, Abraham Lincoln wrote an extensive letter to a friend of his named Horace Greeley. And he said, Hey, look, if I get in this. This war, without freeing any slaves, I would, I could end it with, by freeing all of them. I would, or if I could end it by, freeing some and keeping the others where they are, I would, he's I don't really care about any of that.

[00:20:09] I'm just trying to end the conflict. 

[00:20:11] Bob Gatty: Wow. I didn't know that. I didn't know that. Yeah, 

[00:20:15] Patrick Jones: absolutely. Yeah. The reason that he ended up essentially freeing or writing the emancipation proclamations because he was losing to the confederate soldiers. And he needed, black people to fight in the civil war so that they could win.

[00:20:29] And they did because black people had something to fight for. They freed themselves essentially. 

[00:20:34] But moving forward to Trump, because you don't know that history, I guess you could, you could try to say something of that nature. But the HBCU. If you actually read the legislation, it said 250 million over the course of 10 years to colleges that service minority groups, 

[00:20:56] Bob Gatty: right?

[00:20:57] Patrick Jones: That's all colleges. 

[00:20:58] Bob Gatty: All right, that's true. And then 

[00:21:00] Patrick Jones: 85 million of that was supposed to be earmarked specifically for HBCUs, historically black colleges and universities, that was less money than they were getting prior to that bill. And if you stretch that out over 10 years, that's only 8 million.

[00:21:16] 500, eight 8.5 million. Yeah. 8,500,000 over the course of five years. So that's not a lot of money. No. They were getting $250 million a year prior to that. 

[00:21:26] Bob Gatty: Yeah. 

[00:21:27] Patrick Jones: And now they're getting 16 billion from the Biden Harris administration. 

[00:21:31] Bob Gatty: Okay. And you can expect that to probably increase when Harris gets to be president.

[00:21:38] Kamala gets to be president. Exactly. Now let's talk a little bit about Trump's. I you brought up an immigration a minute ago. . What do you think about his, about this recent statement that his goal is to deport millions of immigrants back to their home countries? 

[00:21:56] Trump is like one of those shoot first, ask questions later type of guys.

[00:21:59] Bob Gatty: Like he, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna say this thing. I'm gonna make this rash decision. And in my mind it makes perfect sense. But I don't think that he's honestly looked at the economic impact that would have. And also one, just the resources that would take alone to round all of these people up and deport them from the country.

[00:22:16] It would cost probably in the billions. And then also, what do you, are we just going to be stopping people in the streets and asking for their papers? 

[00:22:24] Yeah. 

[00:22:24] Patrick Jones: But then 

[00:22:25] Bob Gatty: back to Nazi Germany is what this is. 

[00:22:28] Patrick Jones: Absolutely. The brown coats. Yeah. But the second part of that is right in terms of economic impact and just social impact.

[00:22:35] You're going to be breaking up families because some of these people are going to be citizens and some of them not, right? So now you have more people who are citizens having to rely on services from the government in order to sustain their family because you just deported mom or dad to another country, right?

[00:22:48] Bob Gatty: Yeah. Doesn't he realize that would really mess up business? 

[00:22:52] Patrick Jones: That's what I was going to say. So now we have to start looking at our Our service industry, our agricultural industry our infrastructure sectors. And you're talking about an economic impact that would quite literally send us to depression here.

[00:23:07] Bob Gatty: You know what? I'm from Maryland originally and Maryland in Maryland crabs are a big deal, right? No, I don't mean the sexualization. I know exactly 

[00:23:18] Patrick Jones: what you're talking about. Yeah, I'm from the DMV. 

[00:23:20] Bob Gatty: Okay, I'm talking about hard shell crabs, soft shell crabs. And who picks those crabs? Who picks them?

[00:23:28] Mostly it's the immigrants. Mostly. Okay. And it's really funny because one of the, I was reading the other day that one of the, one of the areas in Maryland that is the strongest, one of the strongest Trump areas they're also huge suppliers of crabs. Now don't they realize that if they if Trump deports all these people that are picking crabs that their livelihood is going to go right down in the toilet?

[00:24:01] Patrick Jones: Absolutely. Absolutely. It was 

[00:24:03] Bob Gatty: preposterous. 

[00:24:04] Patrick Jones: Yeah. Listen big builders, we're talking about these mega farms. Our issue has never been with the immigrants. We understand that from an economic standpoint, we've always understood. And it doesn't matter what side of the aisle you sat on cause even Reagan ran his campaign on opening up the border both ways.

[00:24:23] Him and George H. W. Bush both felt that way because they understood the economic implications. White, Trump ran his entire presidency the first time on immigration. It failed border policy. 

[00:24:36] Obama left with a net negative immigration. 

[00:24:40] He deported more people than came into the country.

[00:24:44] And so what is it that you were fixing and why didn't you have a bill to present day one, whereas Biden presented a bill on February 2nd, 2021 to address immigration literally days after he was inaugurated. So again, these are fear mongering scare tactics. He has no intentions of ever doing anything with the border.

[00:25:07] Bob Gatty: That was exemplified not long ago when the Republicans and Democrats in Congress came up with a compromise bill and then Trump ordered them, ordered the Republicans not to support 

[00:25:20] Patrick Jones: it 

[00:25:21] Bob Gatty: because it would screw up his campaign. Basically, that was it. 

[00:25:26] Patrick Jones: He would have nothing to run on.

[00:25:27] Yes. He has no policy. 

[00:25:28] Bob Gatty: Exactly. Exactly. So there you go. All right, so in cap, and put this all into a capsule, what would you say the danger to this country would be if he should win this election and Republicans would take over Congress?

[00:25:48] Patrick Jones: I think that we would see one of the most egregious deteriorations of human rights that this country has ever seen. I think that a lot of people don't really understand or haven't really followed who the Heritage Foundation is and what these Christian nationals nationalists believe in.

[00:26:05] I like to call them Christofascists, what these people believe in. And people believe, and it's because they convinced them, people believe that they were getting rid of affirmative action because it was helping black people. 

[00:26:19] But that's not the reason they got rid of affirmative action.

[00:26:22] Affirmative action, predominantly helped white women. They were the, the they made up the largest demographic of people that benefited from that legislation. And now, and then they overturned Roe v. Wade. So now women have to have children they didn't necessarily want to have.

[00:26:38] So if we're starting to piece this together, so now you don't want them in the workplace and you don't want them in higher education because so it, you, by removing affirmative action, now you're making it okay to discriminate on hiring them. And then they plan to target within this new next administration, no fault divorce, making white women specifically solely reliant on white men.

[00:27:06] And that's the intention. 

[00:27:08] And when they say make America great again, that's the image that they're looking at. 

[00:27:12] Bob Gatty: Oh, yeah, they want the white women to be home ironing and cooking, cleaning and taking care of the kids while Hubby goes out and, earns a living and brings home the bacon, so to speak.

[00:27:27] Patrick Jones: But in this economy, how is that even possible? That's not even a, that's not even a sustainable 

[00:27:32] Bob Gatty: It's preposterous, and it just goes back, the, it just goes. To the point that they want to go back to the 1950s is what they want. 

[00:27:40] Patrick Jones: But They also intend to get rid of the Department of Education. 

[00:27:43] Bob Gatty: Yeah, exactly. And 

[00:27:44] Patrick Jones: so how are these men going to be able to achieve earnings such that they could take care of an entire household and children without any formal education. 

[00:27:56] Bob Gatty: Exactly. 

[00:27:57] Patrick Jones: Listen, I don't think that the foresight of the Republican party has ever been great. And that's an issue that's conservatism in a nutshell.

[00:28:06] I just want to keep things the way they are, or I just want to go back to the way things were, because that's where I was comfortable not even considering that the rest of the world is moving past us. 

[00:28:14] Bob Gatty: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I wanted to give you an opportunity to tell us about your clothing line that you have.

[00:28:20] Patrick Jones: I have a couple, actually. I have one, it's called called TUFF transformative uprising for freedom. Essentially, it's like people wearing their protest, social justice messages on, on on your clothes. Okay. But one of the things that I'm most proud of about my clothing line is that nearly all of my products are made from a hundred percent recyclable recycled material.

[00:28:42] And if it's not a hundred percent recycled material, then it's ethically sourced and semi recycled material. And it's a locally owned print shop. Okay. They do all of my print and distribution right here in Florida, and it's owned by minority woman.

[00:28:56] Bob Gatty: Okay, cool. 

[00:28:57] Patrick Jones: And I'm just trying to make the most ethically, sourced product I can from all aspects.

[00:29:03] But in addition to that we use the money that we make from our clothing line. And from, my social media presence, a lot of that goes right back into the community. Just the other day, school started for my kids. We went to walmart and they have these starter kits, like school supply starter kits, like 68 pieces or something, we bought every single one that they had on the shelf, like everyone that they had available, we bought them all and then brought them up to the school and donated them, kids that don't often me and my partner, we'd go to Publix, the grocery store, typically pick one of the lower income areas and we go to the Publix there.

[00:29:38] We buy a whole bunch of grocery store gift cards and hand them out. And then we pick, we identify a few people that are in the store with, their shopping carts. And when they get up to the line, we buy all of their groceries. 

[00:29:49] Bob Gatty: Oh, how cool is that? Where can people find your clothing line that you have?

[00:29:55] Patrick Jones: So it's TUFF. ltd, TUFF ltd. I also have one called trustmebro. wtf. And if you follow me on any of my social media platforms, you'll see it in my link tree. But yeah, trustmebro is more comical stuff. Like just the things that people say, like the math isn't mathing or they, we do have a trustmebro shirt.

[00:30:15] So yeah, like it's just a bunch of funny things. 

[00:30:17] Bob Gatty: Okay, cool. All right, listen man, I really enjoyed talking to you. Do you have anything else you'd like to add before we sign off? 

[00:30:25] Patrick Jones: Yeah really quickly. I think that in order for us, I think that Kamala is a good start. I don't think necessarily that, it's the solution, right?

[00:30:34] But I think that it's a good start. I really feel like we as a society really need to start focusing on seeing each other through an intersectional lens, right? Like black, white, red, blue and when I say black, white, I'm talking about, racial phenotypes. And when I say red, blue, I'm talking about political lines.

[00:30:52] We have more in common than we, we do in difference. All of us just want. To live a relatively simple life, with the people that we love and enjoy this very short time that we have here on earth. And I think that how we start to end the divide is literally starting with the children, starting with the children.

[00:31:18] We, our children go to school in this country, which is very diverse with a diverse group of individuals. There's no reason why your child can't learn how to say hello and goodbye in the language of another child that goes to the school when they see them every day or thank you and you're welcome, and they're gay people exist and trans people exist and I promise you, none of them are going to knock on your door and ask you, have you heard the LGBTQI plus community?

[00:31:46] They're not trying to recruit. 

[00:31:48] Bob Gatty: Yeah. Are they trying to, are they trying to take your kids and turn them into gay kids? 

[00:31:54] Patrick Jones: No. There's tons of gay children that grew up in, in heterosexual homes, trans children as well, right?

[00:32:00] Bob Gatty: I'll tell you what, you can count my son as one of them. 

[00:32:05] Patrick Jones: There you go.

[00:32:06] Conservative ones at that. You know what I mean? I think that we need To honestly take a look at who we are currently as individual citizens and who we want to be and who we want to be. And it's going to start, like I said, it starts with the kids. Let's teach our children not to be bigots, that other people actually exist and it's okay that they exist and we can all share this, this land together.

[00:32:29] Let's be an America that we can actually all be proud of. 

[00:32:34] Bob Gatty: Okay. I thank you for that. I really do. And if there's nothing else, I guess we'll just sign off. Is that it? That's it. Okay, my friend.


Trust me bro clothing line:L



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